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Dentist in Delhi

Dentist in Delhi

Why should you go to the best dentist in Delhi regularly?

You may have heard that it’s important to go to the dentist in Delhi regularly. But, after all, why is consulting periodically so important? Here, we unravel this issue. Check out the reason below and take the opportunity to book your appointment!

·        Detect cavities early. The dentist checks your teeth for cavities while they are still small. The earlier you detect them, the less expensive the treatment you need will be.

·        Detect gum disease early. Many people with gum disease don’t even know they have it.

·        Detect the first signs of oral cancer. The dentist will check your mouth for signs of oral cancer. This is very important if you smoke or use tobacco.

·        Examine your seals. The dentist will examine your fillings to make sure they are firm and to check if any are defective or have cavities.

·        Observe if you have dry mouth or bad breath. The best dentist in Delhi can detect and treat oral conditions that cause dry mouth or bad breath.

·        Check your oral hygiene. Your dentist can help you develop and maintain good dental hygiene habits.

·        Protect your overall health. Research has linked gum disease to heart disease and diabetes.

·        Preserve the oral health of your family. Children need dental care too. Tooth decay is one of the most common chronic infectious diseases among children in the United States.

What are the types of dental problems?

Dental problems generally fall into two categories: tooth decay and gum disease. The dentist in Delhi can help you solve both of these problems.

  1. Cavities. Caries is the destruction of tooth enamel. They occur when foods containing carbohydrates (sugars and starches) remain on the teeth. The bacteria that live in the mouth feed on these remains and produce acids that destroy the enamel of the tooth, which leads to the appearance of cavities. Tooth decay can occur at any age.
  2. gum disease Gum disease (periodontal disease) is a chronic bacterial infection that affects the gums and the bones that support the teeth. Gingivitis is the mildest form of gum disease that only affects the gums. Unfortunately, gingivitis can lead to a more serious and destructive form of gum disease called periodontitis.

Why do 5children need dental care?

Dental care in children is very important. Did you know…?

  • 42% of children between the ages of 3 and 11 have at least one cavity or filling.
  • 23% of children between the ages of 3 and 11 have untreated cavities.
  • 21% of children between the ages of 6 and 11 have cavities in their permanent teeth.

The importance of regularly consulting your dentist in Delhi

Visiting dental clinic in Delhi more often is essential to maintaining oral health. The reason is simple: when consultations are carried out at a shorter interval, the best dentist in Delhi is able to identify dental problems in advance and treat them as quickly as possible, in order to avoid serious complications.

During the consultation, the dentist analyzes teeth and gums, as well as the state of the bite and maxillary movement, indicating to the patient the appropriate treatment to be followed, if applicable.

Optimal frequency to see your dentist

There is a frequency to go to the dentist considered ideal by specialists: the right thing is to visit the dentist every six months, at least. On these occasions, the patient receives guidance to maintain cleanliness and oral health until the next appointment.

Main problems of not going to the dentist regularly

Interestingly, those who do not go to the dental clinic in Delhi often can face a number of complications. Here are the main problems of not going to the dentist in Delhi regularly:

  1. Worsening of caries, which can cause pain, sensitivity and the involvement of the entire tooth, requiring more complex treatments, such as the root canal, to eliminate the problems;
  1. Evolution of cases of gingivitis and other inflammations, which cause pain, increased sensitivity, bleeding and can seriously compromise oral health, leading to loss of teeth;
  1. Formation and development of bacterial plaque, a problem that is quite common. In it, this plaque hardens and forms tartar, which is only removed by professionals. Tartar, in turn, causes stains on the teeth, cavities and can contribute to the emergence of gingivitis.