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Enlarged Male Breast (Gynecomastia)

Enlarged Male Breast (Gynecomastia)

  • April 16, 2022

What is gynecomastia?

Gynecomastia is a word that means from its etymology “having breasts similar to those of women”.

Medically, it refers to the excessive volume of a man’s breasts, which can affect both breasts or just one.

This excess of chest in men can be due both to a high volume of the mammary glandular component, and to a greater fatty component. The hormonal changes that originate in the adolescent stage mean that, between the ages of 12 and 22, Gynecomastia is quite frequent, although it usually reverses naturally and spontaneously.

Why does gynecomastia occur?

There is no known common cause, although it is known that some medications and drugs have a direct relationship with this overdevelopment of the male breast. We also determine medical problems that may be accompanied, such as:

  • Excess prolactin in the blood.
  • Excess of estrogens in the organism derived from a metabolic pathology.
  • Due to consumption or treatments with steroids or certain medications that can generate this side effect.

Who is affected by gynecomastia?

Gynecomastia affects more than 50% of men, being one of the most common breast pathologies in males.

The male breast reduction surgery in Delhi is a procedure very useful for patients who are concerned about their appearance, since a well-contoured, firm and flat chest is achieved.

This surgery is recommended by plastic surgeon in Delhi for patients of any age, healthy and without other previous pathologies, who present emotional stability. In patients who are overweight or obese and who have not previously tried to lose weight, surgery may be discouraged.

How is gynecomastia treated?

Gynecomastia is treated with a surgical intervention of the same name. A small incision is usually made on each side of the chest near the armpit, usually less than 3 millimeters, through which a liposuction cannula is inserted. With this cannula, the fat and a large part of the glandular content are extracted, leaving only a small amount that covers the tissue and provides a natural result, avoiding adherences and irregularities in the skin.

Sometimes it is necessary to complement this technique with a small incision in the lower half of the areola to remove the mammary gland that could not be removed by liposuction.

In cases of patients who present a lot of volume, have a well-defined breast fold or high skin flaccidity, it is also possible that the surgeon must use other techniques that may involve peri-areolar or inverted T-shaped scars (peri-areolar, vertical and horizontal).

When the diameter of the areola is large, the best plastic surgeon in Delhi can reduce it in the same intervention, as well as making the size of the nipple smaller.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can gynecomastia reappear after being operated on?

It is very rare, since a large part of the fatty and glandular tissue is eliminated. Regarding the fatty tissue, it is unusual for it to reappear in the areas where liposuction is carried out, unless the patient suffers significant weight changes. Regarding the glandular tissue, it does not usually reproduce unless the patient has some pathology, hormonal change or takes medication that affects this area.
It can also happen that the patient does not rest properly in the postoperative period, affecting internal healing and worsening the final result. If this is your case, go to your plastic surgeon in Noida to evaluate what the problem has been.

Are scars very noticeable after gynecomastia?

No. The scars are practically imperceptible, since if the liposuction technique is used, the cannula access, apart from being very small, is hidden in the axillary area. If it is necessary to reduce the areola or open it to remove the mammary gland, the scars are very well hidden in the areola itself, using plastic surgery suture techniques that make it very difficult to distinguish the scar.

Can I combine gynecomastia with another intervention?

Of course. In fact, it is usually very frequent. The surgeries with which it is most often combined are:

However, whenever a multiple intervention is carried out, the particular case must be evaluated to avoid potential risks. Remember that the most important thing is your health and well-being.

Can I play sports after having gynecomastia surgery?

After gynecomastia surgery in Delhi, you can start doing sports progressively. You can start taking walks from the first days; After a couple of weeks, you will be able to do leg and abdominal exercises, but avoid impact sports or those that directly involve the chest area. We recommend that about three months pass before resuming normal activity.

What risks does gynecomastia have?

Gynecomastia is a very safe surgery. However, like any medical act, it comes with some possible but unlikely side effects and risks.

  • bleeding.
  • Infection.
  • Swelling and/or bruising.
  • Bad healing.
  • loss of sensitivity
  • Asymmetry.
  • Pain and/or swelling.
  • Seroma.

How to avoid the risks of gynecomastia?

  1. Strictly following the post-operative recommendations (use of a girdle, taking medication, rest, etc.).
  2. Choosing qualified and experienced plastic surgeon in Chandigarh, whose techniques and protocols are the most appropriate.
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