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The impact of viagra on men

The impact of viagra on men

  • February 23, 2022

Viagra is a double-edged sword for men. While it helps treat erectile dysfunction, it can also lead to feelings of insecurity and anti-masculinity. Best Sexologist in Delhi Dr P K Gupta explains here more about its physiological and emotional impact.

Viagra has been one of the most revolutionary drugs for sexual activity in recent years. But what has been the impact of viagra on man? In this article, we look at all the factors.

On the one hand, it has allowed sexual relations and intercourse with penetration not only to people with sexual problems due to age, but also to men with erectile dysfunction problems.

On the other hand, did you know that the use of viagra has an emotional impact on men that is not usually talked about and often warned about? Join us to discover it.

What is viagra

Sildenafil or viagra is a drug used for erectile dysfunction treatment in Delhi. That is not all it does since it is also used to treat pulmonary hypertension problems or those caused by high-altitude pulmonary edema.

Based on the data published in the Journal of Sexual Medicine, we can infer that it is a vasodilator that works by inhibiting phosphodiesterase, which is responsible for the degradation of cyclic guanosine monophosphate in the corpus cavernosum.

The longer the cyclic guanosine monophosphate remains inside the corpus cavernosum, the more powerful and long-lasting the erections and the more vasodilated the helicine arteries of the corpus cavernosum.

Don’t forget, this is extremely important, that viagra makes cyclic guanosine monophosphate last longer, not creates it. So, there has to be prior sexual stimulation. Viagra is not a magic wand.

Epidemiology of viagra use

In India, approximately 20 million men between the ages of 25 and 70 have erectile dysfunction. What is most striking about this is that a large number of cases are associated with states of depression, anxiety and loss of self-esteem.

Usually, the treatments carried out in sexologist clinic in Delhi are based on the supply of sildenafil, vardanafil or tadalafil —all 3 with their respective trade names—.

However, due to these imbalances in mood, the treatment of erectile dysfunction should not only be limited to obtaining an erectile response, but should be transferred to other areas of the patient’s life.

The success of taking viagra, therefore, would not be achieved only by measuring the erection variable, but also those of quality of life, psychological well-being and satisfaction of patients with their relationship with their partner and general vitality. This is the impact of viagra on men that should be sought after.

Impact of viagra on emotional life

The advantages of using viagra are not only organic, visible to the naked eye. By promoting long-lasting erections and the speed to achieve them, there are different emotional advantages.

Among them, the confidence of being able to engage in a satisfactory sexual relationship and satisfying the couple stands out. The direct consequence is a significant improvement in mood and self-esteem.

A study carried out by John Dean showed that the use of sildenafil not only improved erectile dysfunction but also depressive symptoms. In addition, they found that these improvements were supported by a specific therapy for depression.

This does not mean that sildenafil acts directly on depressive symptoms, as this type of medication has no known effect on the central nervous system. After the administration of viagra, the men who participated in the study increased erections and attempts to carry out a complete sexual intercourse.

This appears to have positive effects on the man’s mood, self-esteem and confidence. In turn, this would increase sexual desire and thereby improve the man’s relationship with his partner and his overall satisfaction with life.

According to various studies, despite age, men associate the well-being of a partner with their sexual well-being. When they suffer from erectile dysfunction, feelings of anti-masculinity (they feel less masculine) are encouraged.

As a consequence, their relationship with their partner is affected, entering a vicious circle with it, and their social circle, due to low self-esteem, feelings of loneliness and the idea that they have grown old too quickly for their youth.

Disadvantages of using viagra

The problem appears at the moment when Viagra is presented as a magic wand to fix the man’s broken masculinity when, as we have already pointed out, it is not.

The main emotional inconvenience of its use is assuming that sildenafil and its maintained erections are enough to achieve the satisfaction of the man in his general contexts and in his relationship in particular.

A study carried out at the University of Canterbury by Annie Potts called “Viagra stories” suggests that, in some couples, the use of sildenafil may be related to tension between the couple, as well as anxiety and estrangement. 

On the other hand, numerous studies such as the one by John Dean show that, despite the emotional advantages, many of the patients who use sildenafil to treat erectile dysfunction should also participate in couples therapy or psychosexual therapy.

This can become particularly important for couples where sex has been absent for a very long period and there is a need to re-establish sexual intimacy.

Likewise, when there are unresolved problems within the couple and these can affect the commitment of sexual intimacy or when the use of viagra is useless.

The great problem of viagra: the myths about sexuality

One of the main drawbacks of using viagra is the emotional impact on the “masculinity of man”. Although it increases self-esteem by allowing the man to achieve intercourse, it can also make him think that it is carried out artificially, that he is unable to satisfy his partner without chemicals or that he is a broken toy.

This highlights the need for joint therapy with medication. Medication itself is valuable, but not enough. Not dealing with these myths about manhood, masculinity and sexuality can cause Viagra to be something good physiologically, but very harmful on an affective and emotional level.

Some of the sexual myths that most influence the harmful emotional impact of Viagra on men are:

  • Viagra is going to restore my broken relationship.
  • Viagra improves sexual intercourse.
  • For erectile dysfunction, viagra can be a quick fix.
  • Erectile dysfunction is a medical condition, a disease, an abnormal behavior.
  • There is a direct and proportional relationship between the erection and the masculinity of a man.
  • If I take viagra, I will depend on it for life to have sex.
  • Complete sexual intercourse is only done through penetration.
  • I can only get sexual satisfaction through penetrative intercourse.
  • I can only cause sexual satisfaction to my partner through penetration.

The benefits of dispelling myths

Dismantling these myths, especially those related to masculinity and sexual relations, can help obtain a positive impact of viagra in men. Therefore, subject to the use of viagra, it would be highly recommended by sexologists in Delhi to include an intervention aimed at:

  • That men do not understand erectile dysfunction as a disease.
  • Dismantle the idea of man and masculinity, in addition to the prejudices and stereotypes acquired.
  • Teach that there is more sexual satisfaction apart from heteronormative sexual relations (penetrative intercourse). Work with the idea that the role of the erection in a sexual relationship does not have to be important.
  • Train communication in sex to know how to transmit preferences and desires and accept those of the couple.
  • Work on social skills with your partner, such as communicating feelings or resolving conflicts.

Taking care of the impact of viagra on men not only involves monitoring your erections and your sex life. In fact, working on the emotional aspects is almost as or more important than the physiological ones.